Wednesday, 25 February 2009

How to find the exact Oracle Database and Install Component Version Numbers

When you log on to an Oracle Database with SQL*Plus the version number is normally displayed for you. However what about the other components or what if I'm using another tool?

The following query gives the version numbers of the database and the installed components.

SELECT 'Version' source,
FROM sys.v_$version
SELECT 'Registry',
FROM sys.all_registry_banners


Friday, 20 February 2009

How to find the exact version of an Oracle Application Server installation

It's a pain to find out the exact version of Oracle Application Server if you don't know where to look (10GR2 but most versions are the same). The homepage will tell you the first three numbers but that's not always accurate enough.

The exact version including applied patches can be found at $home/config/, look for the version name value pair.

Annoying easy.